Thursday, November 26, 2009

And de winnerrrr isssss.........

Taylor Lautner/ Jacob Black.

There I said it. I bought him.

Well, it's not I decide to choose him or what..... It's more like, I've no other choice, I gotta go for him. I went to the news stand, looked for the mag, can't find Mr. Edward, just found Mr Jac, what else can I do? Buy jer ler.......

But here's a lil' guide for you if you have this DILEMMA like me.

If you believe in love at first sight and doesn't mind he's much older than you and he's a heartthrob among girls.... Then your man is- EDWARD CULLEN!

If you believe that friendship can turn into love and you don't mind that he's younger and likes to hang around shirtless... Then your man is- JACOB BLACK!

Actually I'm just being crappy, this guide sucks and both of 'em are lovely. :)