Monday, May 4, 2009


Numerology. The current topic in my house. My second brother, sister and her boy friend went for this numerology talk last weekend. Well, it's about... okay wait... lemme just copy paste the definition from wikipedia.

Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.

Got it? So basically there's a method to calculate your birth date and there's a guidebook to explain all the numbers and whatever things you get from the calculation la. It's complicated.... That's what I roughly understood. And Paul was kind enough to calculate it for me. I gotta say...... It's pretty....... accurate? Well, not to say the future stuff of cause, who would know about that.... I meant the personality and some other present stuff. The book explained kinda specific and detailed.

Okay, lemme tell you some of the prediction of my future. Bloody heck..... when Paul reads the whole thing to me, I think I heard a total of 4 or 5 times of stressful in different categories, something related to my future working field would be stressful, my life would be stressful, I have the criteria of leadership but it will be stressful.... bla bla bla... stressful.. bla bla bla STRESSFUL. What the hell?

And then there's this crap, actually it's a fact, I'm just..... Can I not admit it? Although it's the bloody truth, I know! But..... argh. Okay, it's not crap. It's the dislikable fact.

Okay, let's start the whole thing again.

And then there's this FACT, about my health... My number is actually indicating I can only either be over-weight or under-weight. Damn it. Know what Kah Yee told me when she heard about it? 'Eh, you go pia for the under-weight wan then.' Waaaaaa~~ not a bad idea huh?!! Heck. What the hell????

Hmmm... what else.... I forget already la. These are the memorables ones. Oh remember I wrote about my life being pathetic and I got nothing to blog about? Well..... look how much is this numerology thing makes my life so much moreeeeeeeeeeeeee pathetic! HOORAY. Dang. Bye!