Friday, April 2, 2010


One Sunday, I read a news of several cases that happen in Korea, regarding online game. I really wonder why people able to be that foolish and what the hell their mind is thinking of.

1) A guy spends more than 50 hours continuously in front of his computer playing online game and end up dying of dehydration.

2) A couple spends more than 12 hours at the cyber café in order to ‘raise’ their little bloody angel fantasy girl that they bought online, neglecting their OWN 4 months HUMAN baby girl at home, end up the poor baby girl die of dehydration and nutrition.

3) This one really makes me laugh! A guy bought a creature (or should I say—character) online, and trained it for a few months in order to build up its capability and strength to fight with the others. But he discovered that there is another character that has higher level of capability and might threaten him. So guess what? He searched for the master’s address, turn up and murder him. What the hell…?!?!

The only word that I describe the above, fong mau~~~ not saying that the reporter is talking nonsense, but what those people is acting really…fong mau~

-jo- 04/03/2010