Monday, March 2, 2009

P/S: Jean, Prepare for your whip cream spree!!

That what I saw on one fine day at Starbucks.

Itu dia!!!!

Kena man. Whip cream+ mocha sos.

The final artwork.
I did not pee in my shorts k.

Bheng try to molest my ass!!
Aaaargh, gonna miss these guys so much!!!

See these two princess. Damn clean right?
Just stood aside and watched the whole whip cream war scene. Ish~

That night when I got back home, I washed my hair thrice, wash my body with maximum amount of body shampoo twice, and wash my face twice as well. So freakin cool like hell.

Thanks to Kahyee for the shots. Oppp, and thanks to her, I'm blogging again. She blogged about this long time ago. ;)